Update Aquatic Released for Minecraft: Education Edition

The Update Aquatic is now available for all Minecraft: Education Edition users. This update adds new ocean and underwater biomes, plus aquatic mobs and items including dolphins, tropical fish, coral, tridents, icebergs, treasure chests and shipwrecks. Now students can build coral reefs, explore marine environments, find underwater treasure, and learn about ocean ecology and conservation. All Windows 10 users will receive automatic update at the next login. MacOS users will have to reinstall Minecraft: Education Edition to access the updated version. Download the Update Aquatic here.

17 standards-aligned lessons and four unique Minecraft worlds are available for educators to teach Computer Sicenc, Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. In the coding lessons, students use functions to generate builds of coral and produce different reef types in Minecraft: Education Edition, and use repeat blocks and loops to seed coral reefs with shipwrecks and underwater structures.

Get all the aquatic lessons and worlds for Minecraft: Education Edition using the links below:

Aquatic Collection: https://aka.ms/aquaticcollection
All lessons and worlds in one package

Aquatic Worlds Collection: https://aka.ms/meeaquaticworlds
A collection of five aquatic worlds that can be used to explore the new features

Aquatic Coding Lessons: https://aka.ms/meeaquaticlessons
The two lessons we’ll be leading with at ISTE in the STEM space

Aquatic Activity Collection: https://aka.ms/aquaticactivities
A collection of 17 standards-aligned activities across five subject areas

Individual Worlds: /resources/worlds/

The update adds the following mobs, items and biomes to Minecraft: Education Edition:

  • Fish (salmon, cod, pufferfish, tropical fish)
  • Bucket of fish
  • Coral (coral, coral fans, coral blocks)
  • Kelp, Dried Kelp, Kelp Block
  • Dolphins (follow boats, get a boost swimming next to them)
  • Icebergs
  • Blue Ice
  • Nine Ocean Biomes including frozen ocean
  • Underwater Ravines & caves
  • Sea grass
  • Sea pickle (with illumination!)
  • Shipwrecks
  • Treasure chests (in ruins, shipwrecks)
  • Ruins
  • Swimming
  • Treasure Map
  • Buried Treasure
  • Heart of the Sea in buried treasure chests (non-active)
  • Trident
  • Trident enchantment
  • Stripped Logs
  • Buttons, Trap Doors, Pressure Plates with variation
  • Carved Pumpkins
  • Floating Items
  • Boat Polish (smoother control)
  • Water has a completely new look and increased visibility while underwater
  • Prismarine Stairs and Slabs
  • New swimming animation while sprinting in water

Read what educators are saying about the Update Aquatic:

“The Aquatic Update offers more possibilities for immersive narratives & literary adventures than any update to hit Minecraft. Now we can explore a whole new environment.” – Ben Spieldenner, high school educator and director at Cross Pond Collaborations, Ohio

“The Aquatic Update for Minecraft Education Edition will allow my students to take their Deep Learning to new depths! Our Earth’s surface is 71% water and the Aquatic Update is 100% empowering!” – Benjamin Kelly, Caledonia Regional High School, Canada